I Zind-Humbrecht familien er vindyrkning en passion, der er gået i arv fra far til søn siden 1600-tallet. Senest har Oliviers søn Pierre-Emile fundet sin vej ind i rækken af dygtige vinmagere, og han står klar til at føre vingården Domaine Zind-Humbrecht videre i tæt samarbejde med Olivier.
Vi har stillet 5 spørgsmål til Pierre-Emile om hans baggrund, rolle og fremtiden på vingården. Han fortæller (på engelsk):
What have you been doing the last couple of years?
I have been back at Domaine Zind-Humbrecht for the 2019 harvest. Before that, I was in Switzerland, where I studied and worked in the Valais with Marie Therese Chappaz. The 3 years at the domaine were not easy – with covid and then vine desease (mildew in summer 2021).
How do you see the domaine develop in the years to come with climate-changes etc.?
Since 2020 we produce our own biodynamic preparations, to help the vineyards to stand the climate change. Of course lower our average yields will make greater wines and the vines will suffer less.
What are you bringing of new ideas to the family-domaine?
I have a few ideas for the future of the winery: we would like to be self-sufficient with the hay for our plowing horses. Chickens and geese will be along the vineyards in Turckheim and maybe one day pigs will join the sheep in the Clos Windsbuhl.
I would also like to plant more Pinot Noir, because I think we have a real potential in Alsace. We have new vineyards of Riesling that we will tease during summer… bone dry Riesling.
How is it to work alongside one of the greatest winemakers in the world (your father)?
Concerning my father Olivier Humbrecht, of course it’s difficult – it is always difficult to work with all your family. We will see how things goes with time. I’m pretty lucky, I’m in charge with the vineyards. Hoping the quality is still there”.
What are your personal preferences in wine-regions outside of Alsace?
I love the Swiss Valais, where I worked in the cellar and the vineyards at Chappaz. Very tough work, small terrace, big slope but great Ermitage or Syrah (maybe Syrah in the volcanic or granit soils in alsace?) I also love vin Jaune, thanks to Stephane Tissot in the Jura. The reds of Tempier, Gamay from Beaujolais, bone dry Chardonnay from Chablis… many wine regions to drink.

Kort om Domaine Zind-Humbrecht
Domaine Zind-Humbrecht fra Alsace nyder et godt ry verden over og er kendt for sine sublime hvidvine med ekstrem høj standard og nærmest fabelagtige udviklingsmuligheder. Siden 1976 har Erik Sørensen Vin haft en tæt samarbejde med domænet og “Master of wine” – Olivier Humbrecht. Det er med stor stolthed, at vi følger udviklingen i vinene, der år efter år høster anmeldernes ros verden over. Erik Sørensen Vin er eneimportør af Zind-Humbrechts vine i Danmark.